We feel that discipleship happens best in a smaller group setting as well as connecting with others and finding your place in ministry. Our Wednesday night small groups are a great way to meet people and learn God's Word while diving into discussion.
Our small group class topics change every 6-8 weeks allowing you to pick a topic that you resonate with best!
Current Small Group Classes
Battle Cry (coed) - Worship Center
Leader: Pastor John
A study in praying against the enemy
Drama Ministry (coed) - Fellowship Hall
Leader: Bryan Coker
Hark all thespians and bards alike, heed the call to act for our Lord
Marriage & Family (coed) Room A105b
Leader: Lenwood Pickens
God’s design for marriage and family
Choir (coed) - Room C101
Leader: Tommie Dee Davis
I will sing praise to Your name, O Most High
The Apostles (men) Room C106
Leader: Guy Combass
How God uses ordinary men for extraordinary things
Looking for Lovely (women) Room A107
Leaders: Erin Dever & Heather McCranie
Finding the beauty in the unpleasant parts of life
Am I really a Christian (youth) B200
Who we Praise (kids) Room A105a